Google+: Vampire Facebook: Zombie?


Very funny and provoking article , ” ‘Steve Jobs: Vampire. Bill Gates: Zombie.’ ” in Oct. 30 Sunday NY Times Magazine got me speculating on further Zombie equations, hence my headline.

It’s a fun game and any number can play.

Send me YOUR equations.

Google+: Vampire Facebook: Zombie?
Anybody have the "If/Then" math equation for this? 🙂

When will Google Plus be released out of beta?


Surfing around I’m getting the impression that it will be July 31 or so. Google Plus is so huge, that it may be that they want to work out any major flaws before public release. On the other hand, if they have not released it to a large enough beta test base, they will have painted themselves into a corner. As Steve Levy and others have testified, non-engineers are second-class citizens at Google. This is probably their biggest Achilles’ heel, and staying on the Greek theme, it represents tragic hubris. From what I can see, Google Plus is the bomb, in spite of Google’s lack of social empathy. Word is that Larry Paige (now the new emancipated CEO of Google) is trying to learn to become social, and is actually tweeting…. Don’t get me wrong, I think Google is the greatest thing since sliced bread. Of course, the guy who first marketed sliced bread took about 10 years to make it the default bread choice for Americans 🙂

The giants are maneuvering, creating giant strategic alliances. Facebook will have Skype video conferencing, but Google Plus will be offering video conferencing for up to 15 people. Sad that Skype is in Microflaccid’s paws, sadder still to see it allied w/ Facebook. Every night, in my atheist prayers, I pray that Steve Jobs and Google will bury the hatchet and realize that their common interest is to pool resources against the Beast: Facebook and Microflaccid. has 11 videos about G+ features. EVERYONE in the videos is under 25, most of them are white and “good looking.” The voice-over copy is beyond mundane, like it was written by the people who wrote for “Friends” but on downers. Eisenhower era crap. Beyond dumbed down. This is spite of the fact that G+ will blow FB out of the water. If Google invented sex, they’d probably say “hey you know how you love meatball sandwiches? Well sex is kind of like that too, you know, kinda messy, but worth it…. You may like it.”

Microsoft: One in 14 Downloads Is Malicious

“The next time a website says to download new software to view a movie or fix a problem, think twice. There’s a pretty good chance that the program is malicious.

In fact, about one out of every 14 programs downloaded by Windows users turns out to be malicious, Microsoft said Tuesday. And even though Microsoft has a feature in its Internet Explorer browser designed to steer users away from unknown and potentially untrustworthy software, about 5 percent of users ignore the warnings and download malicious Trojan horse programs anyway. “
(original source of above copy unknown to me. FP)