“ABC News: Russia warns it could halt foreign arms checks over ‘unfounded threats'”

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Crimea River“ABC News: Russia warns it could halt foreign arms checks over ‘unfounded threats'”

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Frank Poliat

Oh! If Neville Chamberlain were only alive today, he’d know what to do!

1. Power mad,legally elected oligarch seeking power under the guise of saving his country from further humiliation and economic disaster = Ditto, revenge for treaty of Versailles.
2. Nuclear capability = the rearming of Germany, against treaty dictates.
3. Olympics = olympics.
4. Fuck the homosexuals = fuck the jews (and gypsies and homosexuals).
5. Invasion of “former territory” with threats of much worse if the world interferes = ditto.
6. Pussy Riot = Book Burning.
7. Posturing, narcissistic delusional psycho personality = ditto.
8. Powerless puppet figurehead (Medvedev) = Kaiser.
9. No funny mustache = funny mustache.

Author: quickdrawartist

Entrepreneur, artist, dancer. More about me at http://about.me/frankpoliat, http://quickdrawartist.com

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